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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Jill Skaggs

Shooting football photos...

I am using a Minolta Maxxum 7000i with a 70-210 zoom. I love the camera and all of the equipment but I am having a problem that I need help with. I shoot pictures for the local high school football games. Some for profit some just for friends. I have tried all kinds of film speeds and I still get blur during motion. I have used 200, 400, even 800. I have even used 800 and pushed it up to 1000 speed and I still get figure durning motion. The camera is used mostly on automatic except for the times that I pushed the film. I have shot car races, planes during flight, propellers on airplains and all have frozen in frame. The blur is not from camera shake because the objects that are not moving are clear. What can I do to stop the blur in my pictures. I have shot some fantastic shots but to find out when they were developed you couldn't even make out the number they were so blurry.

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November 05, 2005


Jennifer W
  When I take action shots of dogs, I put it on Time priority at at least 1/500 and try for 1/1000. Automatic will sometimes change to a smaller aperture, and so the time will be longer. Also, I don't know if the Maxxum has it, but I like to use the action program. It will track for you.

Hope that helps! Maybe someone more experienced can be more helpful. :)

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November 05, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  And for night games try 1600 or 3200 ISO film.

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November 06, 2005


Samuel Smith
  chris is right.if that is the same lens I have it won't go lower than f4.5 .i have taken some very good day pictures,but once the light starts to fade it just won't set a fast enough shuttr speed.i have the same problem in the local gyms.even sports mode isn't any help.
good luck j and j ,sam

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November 06, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I just checked and it seems like your lens has a maximum aperture opening of f/4.5-5.6 possibly? Once it starts getting dark, this won't let in enough light to make a usable image at slower shutter speeds. I think when the pros talk about shooting sports, depending on how far away the action is, they usually say to have a shutter speed around 1/350 or 1/500 second or up while you'll only need something like 1/200 second to keep the camera steady hand holding. You should definitly be using 800 speed film but I would recommend something like Fuji's 1600 color print film. You might even be able to set something like -1/2 or -1/3 exposure compensation to get a slightly faster shutter speed. If you were using black and white film, you can find 3200 speed traditional black and white print film which is pretty good.

If you are sure that you can get away with a certain shutter speed then you can set shutter priority and just shoot away like that but often in low light situations, I set the aperture to the largest I can.

Anyways, try shooting on Aperture priority mode with the largest aperture (smallest F/stop number) when it starts getting darker and your shutter speeds get under 1/350 second or so. Try to get away from the auto settings if possible.

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November 08, 2005


Jill Skaggs
  Thanks for all the input. I am not sure what the aperture setting is on the camera, I have never checked. But I have sped up the shutter speed to 1/500 and it works fine but I still had blur. Next game I will try to find some 1600 and try that. Thanks again. Joe.

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November 10, 2005

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