BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Don Curry

Willdlife photography

I plan to photograph birds this weekend, mostly duck, geese, etc. I have just started using slide film. To date all I have used is Velvia 100 for landscape and waterfalls. Please give me some recommendations for a slide film to be used for wildlife while using a 75-300 lens. Provia 400?

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October 31, 2005


Justin G.
  from what I understand in reading provia 400 has very accurate colors and great pushability. say you need 800 or even 1600 you should be alright in a pinch to put up to 2 stops. I would say provia, yes. I've never shot it but just from all the reading i've done it seems great.

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October 31, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  If you get Provia 400, shoot at 400.
Unless the light levels are very low, you should be able to freeze the birds in flight without pushing the film.

Provia 100 is my all-around favorite film but I would not recommend it for action photography,...unless it's a bright sunny day.
I have pushed this film to 200 with great results. (I've never tried pushing any film two stops over.)
The colors are true and accurate but on sunny days, you need to be aware of hot-spots and bright reflections. They tend to wash out very easily.

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November 01, 2005


Justin G.
  Good info Bob, nice stuff to know. I'm grabbing a roll of Provia tonight (along with a RB67 WOOHOO!!) and I want to try it. I really didn't know b/c i've never shot it, just read a ton of reviews on it. thanks bob.

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November 01, 2005

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