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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Choosing Zoom lenses

As a newbie to photography, I have a Nikon F55 with a normal lens (28-80).
I'd like a zoom lens (up to 200 or 300) and a filter to enhance the blue sky.
I've been looking on ebay but been confused by the seemingly varied types of zoom lenses... it's the f(number) which confuses me. How do I know if it'll fit my camera?
On the inside of my lens it says 62mm.
Any advice will be gratefully recieved.
Many Thanks.

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October 30, 2005


Jon Close
  Any lens with the Nikon mount will fit your camera. The 62mm you refer to is the filter size for the lens. Usually given with the diameter symbol, eg. "Ø62mm." The f-numbers on the lens model refer to its maximum aperture.

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October 31, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Get as adjustable a zoomas you can afford. Lens manufacturers generally produce a 75-300mm zoom. And you may wish to look into a tele-extender. This neat little gadget fastens onto the camera body between it and the lens and comes in either 1.4x magnification or 2x. It multiplies the size of the image you see and thus capture on film/digital.

Walrath Photographic Imaging

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November 01, 2005

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