BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Angela Hyyppa

Canon Rebel T2

I just received a Canon Rebel T2. I have now ruined two rolls of film. It processes the film, takes the one picture, and then immediately rewinds ruining all film inside. What is wrong?

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October 27, 2005


Jon Close
  Ruined how?
I assum you are aware that the Rebel cameras "pre-wind" the film - when you load the film it pulls all of it out of the canister and onto the winding reel. Then as each photo is taken it rolls back into the film canister. This protects frames already exposed if the back is opened accidentally.

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October 28, 2005


Angela Hyyppa
  Yes, I'm aware of this as I already have one rebel but this one goes to the end of the reel and then rewinds all the way back to zero immediately. I think it needs to be returned as defective!

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October 28, 2005


Jon Close
  The only other thing to check is if the mid-roll rewind button is stuck. Otherwise, I agree you have a defective camera.

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October 28, 2005

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