BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Brenda Shaw

Feed back on my Photos

I would like some reviews about the photos in my gallery! Good and bad!

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October 24, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  The thing that hits me hardest is that, for the most part, all of your subjects are centered in the picture. thus, they're all very static. Nothing jumps out and grabs me.

Lighting is flat - perhaps you need touse more than one light [if that's what you did. Or, make certain you have a primary and secondary light so that you get flatering facial shadows, etc.

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October 25, 2005


Brendan Knell
  I think that like John said, your photos are centered. Try using the rule of thirds. Also, the date stamps really detract from the photos. Try and either clone or crop them out, if you can't, just make sure that you leave it off. If you do need the date, there is always the metadata, which also has a lot of other data(shutter speed, aperature,ect.).

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October 25, 2005


Patrick J. Whalen
  Hi Brenda, I hope you will take these comments as helpful. It is very obvious that you are trying really hard to make nice portraits. I agree with John and Brendan as far as your subjects being to centered.Also I noticed in some of your portraits,there is to much background showing and it is a little distracting. I think you will be a really good portrait photographer if you simply take these comments as constructive and just make a few simple adjustments. Never give up, I look forward to seeing more of your work. Pat

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October 28, 2005


Brenda Shaw
  Thank you so much for your input, I need to do a few things differently,practice make perfect, so will keep trying!

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October 28, 2005

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