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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Donna Dunbar

Slide film processing

I have found some great labs for film but I have been having a hard time finding a lab that does slide film and black and white at the moment I am at the mercey of Wal-mart because the lab I used for slides went out of business. Can anyone suggest a good lab for slides and B&W?

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October 24, 2005


Terry R. Hatfield
  I Used Kodak For My Slides When I Used The Film Camera Im Sure They Do B&W Too Donna! Places Like CVS Will Have Pick Ups From Kodak At The Store..

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October 24, 2005


Justin G.
  I think your best bet is to probably send-out or mail order. Check into your places like CVS but if not you can get on B&H and get 5 mailers for like $35, which obviously comes out to $7 a roll which really isn't bad. You could also develop yourself, which is kind of hard, but fun.

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October 24, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Get mailers for Fuji slide film and both Kodak slide and color print film. The latter allows you to have B&W processed for the same price.

Note, however, that Kodak no longer opeates the labs even those the mailers say Kodak. They go to Direct Photo in Maryland [who also operates York Laboratories and Clark Color Labs.] The work is mostly "acceptable."

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October 25, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Fuji slide films require E-6 processing, which most local (real) camera stores can handle with a pretty quick turn-around.
Try doing a search on Google for "slide film processing" along with the name of your town. I'm sure something will pop up locally.
You will pay a little more than with those mailers but you will get them back so much faster that it's worth it.

I used mailers for years when I shot Kodachrome, since local labs couldn't handle the special processing it required. It took about a week to get my photos processed and sent back to me.
Since I switched to E-6 slide films I've never had a problem getting them processed locally.
The place that does all of my slides has them ready the next day,(...or within a few hours for a couple extra bucks).

I know very little about B&W film processing...(Maybe Google can help here too.)

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October 25, 2005

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