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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

J. L. White

How to print from old glass negatives

My Father-in-law stopped by yesterday and told me someone had given him some "old glass negatives" is how he described them. I have not yet seen them myself. But he was wondering if one can get prints from that type of negative anywhere? It would need to be somewhere local, I'm sure he will not want to mail them. I'm in Oklahoma, anyone have any suggestions or even know what type of negative he's speaking of?

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October 20, 2005


Justin G.
  Well we can't help you locally considering we don't know where you live. Best bet would be to find a local darkroom and print them yourself. It shouldn't be too hard.

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October 20, 2005


Jon Close
  ditto. If they are large (4" square or so) then it is easily done as a contact print. Don't even need an enlarger.

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October 20, 2005


Jon Close
  oops, missed this question:
"I'm sure he will not want to mail them. I'm in Oklahoma, anyone have any suggestions or even know what type of negative he's speaking of?"

These negatives are on plates of glass. Probably from the mid to late 1800's to early 1900s. Instead of film or paper, the light sensitive solution was applied to plates of glass and exposed in a view camera. This was then developed, leaving the permanent negative image on the glass plate.


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October 20, 2005


J. L. White
  Great, Thanks for the responses and thanks for the link. I read it and found it very interesting. Even printed a portion to take to my Father-in-law. Thanks again for the help.
J. White

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October 20, 2005

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