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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Steve Warren

Polarizers Used as ND filters?

Hi all,

I love the effects of my polarizers and would like to know if anyone has ever used them instead of an ND filter if you need to cut light?

Would they be as effective? If not, would stacking an ND filter with a polarizer cause vignetting?


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October 19, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  A polarizer loses two stops of light, thus it works well as an ND filter in addition to reducing glare.

Vignetting occurs more often with wider-angled lenses. Whether stacking will produce vignetting really depends on the angle of view, plus how thick the filters in use are. You won't really know until you stack the filters on the lens and see. Stop the lens down all the way, depress your DOF preview, and look through the viewfinder. If your viewfinder shows 95%-100% of the image, you should be able to see any vignetting. Otherwise, you will probably just have to shoot an image and see.
Michael H. Cothran

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October 19, 2005


Maria Melnyk
  Yes, of course this will work, except that you might also get a polarizing effect, meaning that you might darken the sky and eliminate reflections. So if this what you want, go for it.

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October 25, 2005

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