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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

Looking for Photographic Magazines

Was in a bookstore the other day looking for a good informative "film" photography magazine. Most all magazines today relate to digital cameras. I'm not fortunate to own a digital yet, but want to get a good magazine that will help give me tips on taking film pictures. I picked up "Peterson's Photographic" which seems good - wonder if he's related to Bryan?! - but they all have way too many advertisements in them. Anyway, do any of you subscribe to good film photography magazines? Thanks

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October 17, 2005


robert G. Fately
  Well, Kathy, I guess it depends on what you are trying to lean from the magazine in question. If you're looking to see all the new toys and gadgets, then Shutterbug might be worth a read. If you're looking more for the artistic side of things, perhaps View Camera, or its sister magazine, Camera Arts, will be to your liking.

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October 17, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Kathy -

I've subscribed to Peterson's Photographic for more than 20 years. It, and most of the other "commercial" magazines, are touting digital because that's where the current action is. While Ron Leach, its Editor has tried to convince me [in editorials and e-mail response to my Letters-to-the Editor] that PhotoGraphic is balanced with respect to traditional photography, it just ain't so.

It's also true that is weighted to digital. Follow the Q&A - in the past six months, digital questions have moved from "runner-up" to far-and-away, leader in number. Of course that's, in part, because it appears that cmaera manuals for more sophisticated digital cameras become impossible to understand [or so my digital-owning friends tell me.]

But, in fact, digital is here to stay and it's hard to say whether Canon or any other manufacturer will bring out a new model to compete with Nikon's F-6.

Try American Photo Magazine. You might also check out Yahoo, surf for other magazines - there are many, many good ones. You can view the web version and decide whether the print version is worthwhile.

Oh, be sure you carefully evaluate magazines with their "sister" publications. For example, PhotoGraphic and Shutterbug, Outdoor Photogrpaher and PC Photo, etc. Yes, Popular Photgraphy has one too; it's name slips my mind [senility???]

While the various editor will deny it, editorial content of these sister-mags is often quite similar, so you'll want to only subscribe to one. I cancelled my Shutterbug subscription as it was too close to PhotoGraphic.

Remember, however, the profit motive is alive and well, and photo mags must generate revenue. Hence, Ads...Ads...and more Ads.

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October 17, 2005


Samuel Smith
  hey kathy,i like popular photography and imaging,and outdoor photographer.i haven't seen one just for film.they all have ads and ads and.

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October 17, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Photo Techniques is a really good one. I think the people who wright most of the articles use film, but it's great for both film and digital. It's also got very few ads.

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October 17, 2005


Michelle Ross
  Well JOhn ... you may want to renew that subscription to Shutterbug.. . I heard on another photo site that PhotoGraphic is ceasing as of the December 05 issue :-( it will be a sad sad day ... I loved this magazine!

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October 17, 2005


Lynsey Lund
  PHOTOgraphic is ending? Oh no, I love it! I would suggest Shutterbug as well, I read lots in there about film as well. I also like Outdoor Photographer. I like Practical Photography too, its a European-based publication and a little pricey, but well worth it. I have only bought a few issues and haven't gotten any since I ordered my subscription and am waiting for those to arrive....but if memory serves me it was both film and digital. Just head to barnes and noble or borders, buy a bunch for a couple months then decide which ones you like consistently...that's what I did!

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October 17, 2005


Samuel Smith
  by the way,i'm not affileated with any magazine I recommended.

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October 17, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  It's true that PHOTOgraphic is dissapearing after the December issue. I got notification the other day in the mail, along with some material they were holding for publication.

Outdoor Photographer is a fine magazine for the O/D enthusiast. Popular Photography is good also.

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October 18, 2005


Nicole Kessel
  WHAT!! No way! I love Photographic! I am currently subscribed and they havn't sent me anything!

Outdoor Photographer is a wonderful magazine!

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October 18, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  PHOTOgraphic is no more! I've tried to learn whether my outstanding subscription will be transferrable to Shutterbug.

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October 19, 2005


Liz M. Jensen
  bummer about photographic I was just about to subscribe!!

what's the best mag for FILM photography

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October 21, 2005


Liz M. Jensen
  Ok, I read it wrong LOL I myself got Popular Photography and American Photo

I did pick up an issue of PHOTOgraphic for the Nikon article

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October 22, 2005

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