BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Image Information for the Future

How do I identify or post pertinent information of the photograph for future generations of my family? The old way was to write all the information on the back of the photo. How do I do it now when I scan a photo or take a digital photo and download it to my computer? I would truly appreciate any help or suggestions.

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October 17, 2005


Jon Close
  With photo-editing software, you can add comments to the EXIF data (UserComment field) embedded in the photo.

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October 17, 2005


Floyd E. Stearns
You might consider putting your photo onto a Word document, then you can add all the pertinent information below it.
Floyd Stearns
Warsaw, NY

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October 18, 2005


Paul Illes
  With the same editing software, you can add text to the bottom of the picture itself and there would be no need of your future relatives having to know about EXIF.

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October 18, 2005


Roy Blinston
  I am on a Macintosh. What I do is this:
Click on the photo file once ... then click COMMAND "i". This will bring up a window with information about the pic. Lower down in this window is a "text area". Type in whatever you want to record inside the pic ... then close the window.

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October 18, 2005

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