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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Set Design for Black and White

I was wondering if there is a technique or theory behind the way that colors register in black and white. Where colors register on the grey scale and how they affect the mood of the picture or the implications they have on the character. Also, if there is a website that anyone can refer me to, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

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October 16, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Yes, colors register a certain way on b&w film. However, not all films "see" color the same way, so there are always differences.
Colored filters also affect the way colors are rendered on b&w. For example, a colored filter will render its own color very light, while its complimentary color will be very dark.
In short, you can alter the way colors are rendered simply by applying filters, and with digital imaging, you can adjust the Levels and Curves to pretty much suit your fancy.
In general, here are the way some colors are rendered (those that I can remember) -
Red - Zone 5,
Orange - Zone 6,
Yellow - Zone 6.5-7
Sky blue - Zone 6
Dark blue sky - Zone 5
Grass green - Zone 5
Tree bark - Zone 3 or 4
Average Caucasion skin - Zone 6
Hand palms on all people - Zone 6

Kodak can provide you with much information on color filters. I'm sure there is also lots of info on the web about b&w filters.
To see what colors look like in your own circumstances, I'd recommend buying a MacBeth color chart, and photographing it with the b&w film of your choice, or with your digital camera. Once developed and printed, you can see instantly where each and every color falls on the gray scale.
Michael H. Cothran

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October 16, 2005

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