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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Liz M. Jensen

Home Christmas Portraits

I'll have my camera by then too so (Nikon N75)

Anyway, I plan on doing my sons Christmas portraits myself this year.. we dont have a lot of 'supplies' and our tree is kinda... wussy

I looked at fabric for a a backdrop and I have no clue what would be the best?

any idea on what props?

any tips on what my son should wear too for the best effects.. Pics of him are in my gallery if you need any ideas on his eye colour and what not :)


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October 13, 2005


Michelle Andersson
  Last year I bought some red felt from a fabric store. That worked pretty nicely cost wise and looked good too. I found it very hard to keep the fabric wrinkle free though; in fact it was a pain in the but. Velvet can be nice too, but sometimes a bit pricy. Maybe keep your eyes open for a sale? Your little guy would look adorable in a little santa hat. Maybe do a close up of his smiling face using the hat for personality and to frame his face. What were you planning on doing for lighting?

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October 14, 2005


Michelle Ross
  Our Hobby Lobby has felt in 60" widths. . . and many times it is on sale 1/3 off so you could get a nice piece for about nothing . . . felt works well because it has less glare. . . You could get some black(white is difficult to expose without being blue/gray) and do some closeups of him . . with a Santa hat on it would be really nice and the black would be great. . . if you have a north window use it for natural light(depending on your camera shutter speeds) and put the black back away from him but so it fills your whole background area. .. you might need to put two pieces of felt together and then fix the seam in Photoshop if it shows. . .

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October 14, 2005

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