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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Christine M. Saldivar


How would you erase a "Proof" stamp from a picture?

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October 13, 2005


Forrest C. Wilkinson
  You shouldn't have to, and you shouldn't do it. Proof is there because the photo is a copyright to the photographer. If it is not your photo, then it is infrining copyright protection laws by trying to erase the proof stamp.

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October 13, 2005


Christine M. Saldivar
  My photographer went out of business and the picture is 10 years old. I would really like a copy of that picture!!!!

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October 13, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  By the copyright laws, the copyright still belongs to the photographer and making a copy is still illegal. You should try to contact the photographer, even if he is out of business and try to get a copy or the negatives or a copyright release.

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October 13, 2005


Christine M. Saldivar
  I have tried many times to contact the photographer. But when they closed there was no forwarding number!!!

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October 13, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  If you know his name, there are many sites on the internet where you can go to find someone, providing he is still alive.

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October 13, 2005


Christine M. Saldivar
  I used a company and the photographer worked for that company I do not know his name .....

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October 13, 2005


Justin G.
  If you can hold out for 70 years after his death the copyright will be lifted. sorry I don't mean to make things worse. I don't have an answer for you either.

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October 13, 2005


Christine M. Saldivar
  I'll guess I will keep on asking till I get the answer I want. These are my wedding pictures!!! It is not my fault this place closed down. I had originally tried to purchase the negatives and they told me they would sell them after a year then they closed..

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October 13, 2005


Debbie Del Tejo
  The company even after it closed down needed to get final bills etc forwarded to them. Go to the court house and find out if the owner left a forwarding address for his tax bill and also send a registered letter to his address in hopes it gets forwarded to the new address..........even if it is no longer in business it may be going to the owner's home address or PO Box.

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October 13, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
I know you must be getting frustrated, and you probably think these photographers are just being stubborn. They are just telling you the truth.

Even if you were able to remove the Proof stamp, most labs would recognize that it is a professional picture and would probably refuse to copy it for you. At least that's what they're supposed to do.

You'll surely get better results by tracking down the studio owner or photographer and getting the negatives. I would bet they still have them stored away somewhere. I throw away tax records before I throw away negatives.


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October 13, 2005


  Hi Christine,
Give us the company name and maybe someone here on bp might have known someone at that company, and would help you locate the photographer.


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October 13, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Christine, I am sure you will find the folks here at BP quite helpful. However, we will not help you break the law, which is what you are asking us to do. Debbie has the best idea. You should be able to find information on the owner at the courthouse so you could track him/her down. Good luck.

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October 14, 2005


Lynsey Lund
  I have heard of an "erasable" stamp that you can put in proof books so clients can't copy the proofs while they are selecting which poses for prints, but then when you get it back you can erase the stamp so they can have the proof book back as part of the package? I read something like this somewhere on this page. Anyone have information on what this is/how it works?

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October 16, 2005


  At the end of the day, you can't erase the copyright if it is part of the image - it will be too noticable.

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October 17, 2005

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