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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


Black slides

I got some slides back from processing (5 rolls of "once in a lifetime" holiday photos). Most of the slides are black, but in between some are alright. The numbers and film information is visible. What could cause this?
The processor left the entire strip uncut, presumably to prove that they did not mess up.

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October 11, 2005


robert G. Fately
  You don't say if you were using a flash indoors, but I get the feeling that's the case. It sounds like most of your shots were just extremely underexposed - perhaps the flash did not fire in exact sync with the opening of the shutter. To your eyes (or the subjects') it would be impossible to tell if the flash fired 1/100th of a second before or after the shutter opened or closed, but to the film it would mean there was not enough light.

The manufacturer markings and numbering is put there when the film is being made - that has nothing to do with how well or poorly your pictures were exposed. If you take a fresh unused brand new roll of film and process that, you'll see the manufacturer codes and frame numbers too.

Sorry these shots didn't dome may want to bring your camera in to a repair facility where ite flash synch can be checked.

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October 11, 2005


  Thanks for the response. These photos were taken outside, mostly in bright sunlight. I thought about the possibility of underexposure, but surely there would be something visible. Only one of the pictures looks a bit ghostly.

My first thought was that the film had been through an x-ray machine a few times but then, since this was positive film, shouldn't they have some sort of color?

Perhaps it is a camera fault, maybe the shutter didn't always open. It is a rather old Canon EOS. I will let take the camera in to be checked and let you know if that is the cause.

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October 12, 2005

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