BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Brad silcott

A Big problem for you!

This is a photo that I took at a local airshow. As you will notice the photo is black with the exception of the very center. WHY? I did not use my polarizer for this shot and if I did this would not have happend I used my polarizer through out the show and it was fine. I did use my 2x Teleconverter for this shot. The whole roll came out this way. I used my Converter on the roll right before and right after and this did not happen. What did I do wrong? I also as a note would like to add I checked the negatives and this was not on the negatives. Could it be the processing?
Thanks for all help.

Brad S.

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October 06, 2005


Brad silcott
  problem pic
problem pic

Brad silcott

Here is the photo

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October 06, 2005

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