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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Carolyn K. Clarke

Shooting B&W at an indoor college graduation

I am shooting in B&W at a college graduation this weekend, which will be indoors under florescent lighting. I'm shooting with Ilford XP2 400 speed film, 28-70mm AF lens on a Canon Elan 7E. Candid shots of graduates under full florescent, shots of stage under dimmed florescent and stage spotlights, grads in seats under dimmed florescent, etc. I will have to be at a pretty close distance for some with that lens. There is no room for error in lighting/exposure in this shoot. Any suggestions? I've received one thus far, which was to set the camera to DX code 250 instead of 400.

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October 06, 2005


Jon Close
  Lots of useful information in Ilford's data sheet on XP2: Rating it at ISO 200 (or even as low as 50) is recommended for finer grain, but at the expense of longer shutter speeds, especially in "dimmed fluorescent." Re fluorescent lighting - you do not need to use any correcting filters like FL-D with b&w film.

One neat thing about C-41 b&w films like XP2 - you don't have to rate the entire roll at the same ISO. C-41 processing is the same regardless of ISO, ie. there is no "push" or "pull" processing. For shots where you want finer grain, set ISO to 200, 100, or 50. For shots where there is lower light or you need a higher shutter speed, set ISO 400 or 800. However, the print machine operator will have to be on their toes and adjust for each frame.

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October 06, 2005

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