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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Erin J. Carlson

First-Time Wedding ... Jitters

I have been offered to do a wedding - yes, first time. I have proofed many weddings and have many ideas, and I have also done a few small family-oriented weddings in a studio that I worked in. I have no feeling that I can't do a wedding ... it is just my first one of the whole wedding. I am struggling with what to charge. I am doing film, and I was thinking of $450.00. Is this too little?? Also, does anyone have any tips on what you have found to work best? I have a list of different poses. The bride and groom are an older couple - that shouldn't matter on a general pose list, should it? Do I ask them to choose which poses they would like to use? I guess I am just looking for any tips and information available! Thanks!

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October 05, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  If you can make a profit at $450.00, I would say it is not too little if it gets your foot in the door. I would use the poses you want to use, rather than asking them how they want to pose ... as it makes you look more professional and competent. THEN I would ask them if there are any additional poses they want ... as this makes you look accommodating. You get the best of both worlds.

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October 05, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  One other thing: Don't worry about the jitters. I shot my first wedding 38 years ago, and I STILL get nervous when shooting a wedding - until the shooting starts. Then I worry again until I see the proofs. Everything always turns out fine, but I believe that when I quit worrying I will have become complacent and then it will be time to quit. It is the desire to do a good job and satisfy the customer and, above all, yourself that keeps you on your toes.

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October 05, 2005


Linda Buchanan
  I am 50 years old, was widowed and married a 51-year-old widowed Methodist minister ... in his church. My suggestion for wedding photography for an older couple would be to be sure to include their children and grandchildren. Also, if you can have some of the negatives scanned to a high-res CD, click out a few of the wrinkles before you print ... they will love you for it!

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October 05, 2005


Erin J. Carlson
  The only thing I guess I am really worried about is the equipment. The lights that I have - due to being an extremely poor, recovering poor college student:) and dating/living with a poor college student - are strobe lights. Are these efficient enough to use if the wedding is indoors? Outdoors I am not worried too much about it. If the wedding is indoors, I am afraid that my equipment would not be the best. I do have two of these strobe lights that go off with my flash. Is this going to be too much light if I place them 8-10 feet back?? What would be a suggested placement difference when using strobe lights? Would it be the same as regular lights??

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October 05, 2005


Linda Buchanan
  I would suggest a flash meter. I use strobes and have an inexpensive flash meter that has saved me more than once. Our wedding photographer used strobes, set off by the flash on his camera that were about eight feet from us, shot into an umbrella and we were very happy with the pics. Good luck, you will do fine.

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October 05, 2005


Norbert Maile
  Figure out how much film you will need, and double it! No kiding, you will use alot more than you think. Bring alot of batteries also. $450.00 would be a minimum to charge, AFTER your expenses for film, prints etc.. Your job, your call on pricing. I would shoot mostly candid shots and spend $500.00 on film alone. 24 exporures per roll x 40 rolls x $15.00 including printing proofs = $600. That would be from the time the bride wakes until evry one leaves the reception. It adds up!

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October 18, 2005

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