BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Don Curry

Photograph ownwership rights

If I photograph a barn, waterfall, etc. that is on private property can I use or sell the photograph as I wish? Does the property owner have any ownership rights? Or, do I have to have a release from the property owner?

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October 01, 2005


Brendan Knell
  I've heard different awnsers to this, one is that if you were on public property, then no you don't need a realese and I've heard that you do need one even if you're on public property. But I'm sure that if you are on the private property then you need one. So it's best to just get a model release anyway.

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October 01, 2005


Samuel Smith
  private property is just that,private property.don't sell anything without a release.
but don,ask them.some property owners are flattered when you ask,some,oh well.
just knock on the door and'll meet some different people out's all an experience,and will make you a better person,and a better photographer.enlightenment,opens the eyes,opens the soul.good or bad,it will give you more character.

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October 01, 2005


Don Curry
  Thanks for your answers. I'm not sure I can stand being much more of a character. But, anyway, where can I find a template release form for property owners?

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October 02, 2005


Samuel Smith
  do a search on here don for property and model releases.there's been some good info on the subject.

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October 02, 2005

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