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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

Velvia 50 or 100

I am going to purchase some velvia film to try out on landscapes. I have a 35mm SLR, but I don't know whether I need the ISO-50 or 100 film. Is there much of a difference? Thanks

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September 29, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  I'm a Provia guy,...but I did a quick search and found this interesting read:

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September 29, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  I haven't used the ISO-100 version of Velvia, but the ISO-50 [older] version is well known for its saturation.

If you're shooting late afternoon shots Arches National Park, for example, it'll blow your socks off. It really does well with greens and yellows [like most Fuji films.]

If there a negative, it's the slow speed. Now I know all about great [little] grain, etc., but since I own fairly slow lenses [f/3.5 and f/3.8-5.6] the slow speed almost mandates using a tripod at all times. Adding a polarizing filter, in some respects, means I can't "hand-hold" my camera. But - there results are more than worth these "problems" if you like color brilliance.

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September 30, 2005


Kathy L. Pollick
  Thanks for the responses & the information. I think I'll start with the 50 & see what results that gives me!!

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September 30, 2005


Michele Wassell
  Hi Kathy,

I am a big fan of Velvia and I have used both iso 50 and iso 100 and they are both great!! Both produce saturated colors.. If you are using a tripod, etc, why not go with the iso 50 as that would even give you sharper images as well. But I find them to be both about equal. Provia is nice too.


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September 30, 2005


Kathy L. Pollick
  Thanks much!!!!

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September 30, 2005

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