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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


Senior Portraits with a Truck

I am going to be taking a senior portrait and the individual would like it taken with his truck. I was wondering what would be the best way to take this picture.

Thank you in advance

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September 27, 2005


Debby A. Tabb
  I am not sure what it is you really want to know- so I hope this will be helpful: taking these shots early morning or late in th eafternoon will be the best help also, have a polorizer available for use.
the take the portrait with your subject leaning on the front fender and / or sitting on it leaning back against the windshield at a angle.
(it is best not to do autos straight on)
I do hope this helps,

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September 27, 2005


Laura E. OConnor
Hi Cindy! I just did a shoot with a senior and his car and a fire truck. Here are some of the poses we did. Hope it helps!!!

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September 27, 2005


  Thank you so much for the pictures and the feedback, you responded so quickly and I do appreciate it.

Thanks again,

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September 27, 2005


Laura E. OConnor
  No problem. I was CLUELESS about Senior shoots before this. It was my first one! I also did a web search with Google for "Senior Portrait" and got a lot of great links for inspiration, asked a few BP members and the ideas started flowing. Good luck! Post some results when you're done!

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September 27, 2005

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