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Category: Traditional Film Photography

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BetterPhoto Member

The best camera to buy

I'm wanting to buy a used 35 mm camera on ebay, but I don't know which would be the best one for a beginner. I want to take black and white pictures. I plan on taking a class on black and white photo.

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September 26, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  A lot of folks will tell you that you'll get the best prices on e-bay. Prices, maybe, but there's always the functionality issue, returns - I'm not so sure, etc. etc.

Further, and if you're in the market for a camera with a focal plane shutter, you really can get bombed. My SRT-201 has a problematic shutter that can't easily be diagnosed - so, any prospective purchaser [if I were trying to sell it] would be asking for trouble.

You'll have much more success if you buy a used camera from a local, reputable camera dealer. And, if there are none, try the Used Marketplace via B&H Photo, Adorama and Keh Camera. If a problem arises, they will usually take the camera back.

You said you want a used camera, consider: Canon AE-1, A-1; Minolta X-700; Nikon FE- and FM-series cameras. These are older models, semi-automatic workhorses. If you want autofocus and autoexposure, look to Minolta Maxxum 7 [only;] Nikon N-series [stay away from its 2002 model;] Canon EOS 630, Elan II[E.]

All that being said, if you can find a Pentax K-1000 in good shape, jump for it. It's the camera almost all instructors recommend for beginners since it's easy to use and, basically, can't be killed. It's like the VW Bugs of the 1970s.

Remember, there is no "best" camera. All cameras are the same in that they provide black bodies to hold lenses and film. The various bells and whistles added to the different models might make picture taking easier [from a physical standpoint] but, in fact, it's the person behind the camera that takes the great image.

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September 26, 2005


Will Turner
  Nikon: FE,FE2 and FM2n are good, F3, N8008s, N90s, F100. Canon: T90, Elan, F-1N. So are very simple mechanical cameras with metal shutters (less to break) as long as they are guaranteed in good working condition. Some of the older mechanical cameras use funky mercury batteries that aren't available, and newer replacements may affect metering accuracy.

If you can afford it, a used FM3a would be ideal. Still new, yet a very durable and reliable manual focus camera - so hard to get a bad one.

The K1000 is an awfully crude camera, but usable if you don't mind using the battery cap as an on-off switch. Stay away from the Canon A-series cameras, Minolta X-700, Maxxum 7000, 9000 unless you like to do repair work a lot, these cameras are not aging well and have LOTS of malfunction issues, some mechanical, some electronic.

There are cameras that are definitely better than others in that they tend to last much longer without breakdown or frequent repair. Since many of these older cameras no longer have parts available, it's something to consider.

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September 26, 2005


Qwerty Uiop
  I'm particularly fond of the Canon T90. You will have to use the older model FD lenses which are manual focus.

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September 26, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Get a camera with multiple exposure setting on it. I have a Minolta XGM which is about 25 years old, but it is my workhorse. When I first got it, I didn't know what multiple exposure was, but I wish this camera had it. So my point is, get one with all the extra bells and whistles even if you think you won't use them now, when you get better at your image making and want to explore a bit, you'll be able to.

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September 26, 2005


Qwerty Uiop
  Yeah, and the Canon T90 is perfect for that. And don't just take two exposures of the same person at opposite sides of the frame, take 16 exposures and rotate the camera between each one.

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September 27, 2005

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