BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

John Estock


I've been disappointed with some of the results of my night photography; the exposures seem OK, but about half have a hazy, washed-out appearance. I had thought they were simply over-exposed. Now I'm beginning to think that light is coming into the camera through the viewfinder. Is this possible? If so, is there a good method of stopping this light?(I use 35mm film cameras). Most of my nature shots are done with almost full moonlight, with exposures from 45 seconds to 6 minutes. Thanks. John.

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September 25, 2005


Samuel Smith
  hey john,
there should be a viewfinder cover on your camera strap.either rubber or plastic and it slides down over the viewfinder to keep that from happening.all three of my straps have one.

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September 26, 2005


Scott L. Burnett
  what exactally does it mean for the ligh to come through the view finder (other than the obvious)
doesnt the mirror (on slr cameras) come up/move out of the way so that the frame has a clear "view" (for lack of a better term) of the composed picture to be taken. and how does putting the covder do?

Expanding my knowledge, trying to.

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September 30, 2005


Samuel Smith
  don't know the technical jumbo scott,but from what i've read and been told,stray light can enter through the view finder.espically on long exposures.and the cover seals it off.
i forgot to mention john,make sure your camera is locked down so you don't move the camera putting the cover on.

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September 30, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  And also you are secure on your tripod to prevent ANY movement. Drape your camera bag over the tripod for extra weight and stability. A heavier tripod moves less.

Walrath Photographic Imaging

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September 30, 2005


Justin G.
  My camera has a little black piece on the neck strap to attach over the viewfinder for stray light on long exposure night photography. See if you have one of those or consider looking into one made for your camera.

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October 01, 2005


John Estock
  Thanks for the advice. There is no viewfinder cover that I can find; I guess Olympus never saw the need; I will try to rig something up and report the results, good or bad.

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October 01, 2005

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