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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

The iso on my STsi maxxum

I am a high school photographer and I shoot a lot of sports. I need to know if I have 800 film ( fuji) and I am shooting a football game is it able for me to push the iso to 1600. Will the prints turn out bad or under developed. Should I keep the iso at 800 or which speed?

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September 23, 2005


Jon Close
  Fujifilm's Superia X-TRA 800 has very wide exposure latitude, and can be rated at 1600 (with normal developing) with decent results, aside from an increase in grain. Fujifilm also makes an ISO 1600 version of Superia.

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September 23, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I've used the ISO 1600 Superia a few times and found that it can help make some pretty good pictures.

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September 24, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  I suggest reading up on exposure a bit, a refresher if you will. A great book is 'The Negative' by Ansel Adams. He might suggest pushing film for quick results, but learn instead how to expose the negative without having to push or pull the film. The prints will have more natural looks to them. And keep on take pictures. It is the most rewarding pursuit I have ever undertaken. I have learned alot and am proud and should be too. If photography were easy, then everybody would be looking into why their print turned out the way they did instead of just pointing a camera and maybe being happy with the results.

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September 26, 2005

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