BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Lenses and Larger Groups

What type of lense should you use when taking portaits of a larger group of say 16 people? Will a regular zoom lens work or should you buy a wide angle lens?

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September 16, 2005


Pete H
  It really depends on a couple things primarily.

1) How far back can you get from the subject?
2) What lighting? Indoors or out?

The main objective in a group photo is to be able to see everyone clearly.
Backing up further is usually not the answer.
A 28mm or so will usually do the trick..get as close as you can..level the camera..shoot at eye level or slightly higher.

I would need more info to answer more specifically.


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September 16, 2005

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