BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Saving pictures to be loaded on a stock website.

I am scanning negatives, using PhotoShop CS2, to be loaded on to a stock photo website, which when purchased will then be downloaded. I need help, can anyone tell me:
1. What format to save in?
2. What dpi?
3. What pixel dimensions?
4. Document size?
4. bicupic?
I have searched for these answers and would appreciate any input.

Cindy Sanders

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September 13, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  It seems like you should be in contact with the website/agency and they should have their own specifications. I think you should probably email them so far. I'm assuming though they might was .tiff 300 dpi and a pretty big file. I've heard that some have been wanting images made from digital cameras that were at least 8MP so I think that might be around 8x12 at 300 dpi or so? I think if you need to resize the image that you shouldn't use bicubic sampling but I might have that backwards. Make sure you scan larger than you think you will ever need, probably as large as you can possibly go.

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September 24, 2005

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