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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Justin S.

Flash Problem

Alright you guys I have got a major problem with my after market flash. Somewhere along the past week or so it has collected battery acid on the inside where the batteries go; There is corrosion all over the little metal prongs and I have scratched some of it off to the point that it will work.
My question though is, How do I get the rest of the corrosion off the prongs to the point its clean again?

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September 12, 2005


Tom Walker
  I had this problem with a winder, it had a removable battery compartment,so was very accessable, don't know if it will work for you. I took an old tooth brush and scrubbed it with dampened baking soda (arm and hammer).

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September 12, 2005


Pete H
  Carefully,,,Carefully place some fresh solder on the contacts. Be careful not to melt the plastic holder.


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September 12, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  I would try to clean it like Tom said before adding solder.

If you can't fit a toothbrush in, try sandpaper. Wrap a patch of sandpaper over the eraser end of a pencil and hold it on with a rubber band. Use this to sand off the corrosion.

The solder method will only work if you have enough of the metal exposed to make a good contact between the metal and the solder.

Here's another tip: Don't use alkaline batteries in flashes. NiMh rechargables are so much cheaper in the long run.

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September 12, 2005


Justin S.
  hey you guys thanks for all the great tips.i'm going to try to fix it now

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September 13, 2005

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