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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


I don't get it!! On enlargements.

I just took a photo to be enlarge and they said it couldn't be done because there wasn't enough room on either side of the subject.It was a photolab and they finally did it and it came out good.Agreed that the subject was next to the side of the photo ,however I didn't understand what they were talking about and I was just wondering if some one could explain it to me.I need to know what to look for when shooting in case some of the photos will be enlarged.
Thanks for your time and trouble.

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September 09, 2005


Justin G.
  WEll when you enlarge, "standard" enlargements aren't proportional to each other. For example, a proportional enlargement of an 4x6 would be an 8x12, but the standard is 8x10. This would leave 1 inch on the top and bottom (or left and right) to be cropped off. This is probably what they were talking about. They probably meant that the subject was too close to the sides to be enlarged, because they knew there was going to be some cropping involved.

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September 09, 2005


  ok,, I understand that. How do you shoot with that in mind? I would have to have the subject always in toward the center. Is that right ? The photo that I was talking about was going to be enlarged to a 11x14,,I believe that is what they did,, I know it was the next one up from a 8x10 and it did come out good. I thought that they just took the photo and made it larger,,and I do understand the pixels causing it to become grainy. So if they have to cut the top off or sides to come to the " standard" size. Then I have to leave enough for them to do that without affecting the photo. Is that right..
Thanks for your time.

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September 09, 2005

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