BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Manually advancing film

I accidentally rewound my film in my Nikon N75 after taking only five pictures out of a 36 exposure roll. I got the film part back out but am curious as to how to advance my film past those first few shots to keep shooting. Is it possible or should I just get those developed to save time?

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September 06, 2005


Jon Close
  Reload the film.
To make sure no light reaches the film when you advance it: manually set the shutter to 1/2000 (or the fastest speed) and the aperture to the smallest (or leave the lens cap on). Cover the viewfinder. Set to manual focus (so that the shutter will trip rather than searching focus).

Now advance the film to where you left off plus one more frame just to be sure since it may not be loaded exactly the same. Now you're ready to finish the roll.

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September 06, 2005

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