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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

loading developing tank and reels

Hi! I'm just starting a darkroom class and we haven't done anything so far besides talk about using the camera which I already know how to do. I want to have a jump on things for next week when we develop the film week took this week. I have a Kalt developing tank but the big question is how to load the reels. I have two and they are stainless steel Hewes. It's got something in the middle of the spool and hooks the film I assume? I just don't know how to load them because they didn't come with any instructions. Thanks for your time!

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September 01, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Slip the end of the film under it and just start winding the film around the spool. The best way to learn is to take a cheap roll of film and practice in the light. Then tyry it with your eyes closed. You will soon get the hang of it.

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September 01, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I see that the slots for the spool begin in the center and you can slip the film under that, and then there also seem to be two pegs that I might be able to hook the film onto because of the holes in the side. I get it on any combination of these two things and I have to touch the inside part of the film to get it into the slots on the side and the film bends all up and stuff. Is there some advice on how to stop this? haha

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September 01, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  My memory is better on loading 120 film than 35mm but the process is about the same. Don't hook the film on the pegs, just roll it over, if I remember correctly. Then, cup the film (with the center toward your palm) and start rolling it on. Let me konw how that works.

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September 01, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  SWEET JESUS I GOT IT! LOL I had to hold the film on the edges and kind push the two sides together with my thumb and forefinger to make it curve in the middle and twist the reel with my other hand. Any easier ways? I guess it wasn't too bad. I also had to keep my two fingers grazing along the edge of the reel. Thanks!

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September 01, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Exactly! You did it perfectly. After a few hundred times, it gets to be second nature.

Reminds me of the time I was in HS and transferred to a new school. I joined the yearbook staff and one of the older photographers (a senior) took me and another new kid up to the darkroom. The first thing he was going to show us was how to put the film on a roller. He was a real jerk and though he knew a lot more than us. However, my mon had taught me how to develop film while I was in elementary school. He pulled out a new roll of Tri-X, unrolled it and handed it and the reel to me and was going to explain to us dummies how to do this. I tool the roll and reel, closed my eyes and rolled it on the roller, flipped it back to him and told him how long and in what developer to develop it, how long to fix and wash it. I asked him if he needed anything else. He said "No" and walked out. Never saw him much after that. Then I taught the other guy who had never set foot in a darkroom before. That guy is still my friend to this date.

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September 01, 2005

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