BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Viewfinder Souvenir

I have a viewfinder I got as a souvenir from a theme park where I'm from. It's a small picture, it looks like a negative but it is in color. I would like to have a photo made of it, in case something happens to the viewfinder. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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August 29, 2005


Jon Close
  Sounds like you are describing a slide ("like a negative but it is in color"). Yes, a print can be made from this. Take to a photo shop, they'll either print it directly with special paper (Ilfochrome), make an "interneg" (ie. photograph it and print from that negative), or scan and print it digitally. The last two you might do yourself.

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August 29, 2005

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