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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Amber D. Jones

Purchasing a Flash

I'm looking into purchasing a flash for my camera. I am clueless as to which one I should but. Does the flash have to be the same brand as my camera? I have no idea?

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August 29, 2005


  There are other brands like Metz and Sunpak that made flashes for a lot of cameras. But you have to make sure the flash you are interested in is compatible with the camera you are using. You can go to their sites and see what cameras each of their flash supports or you can post your question here if you let us know the brand and model of your camera. Your gallery has a few photos taken by the Minolta AF 101R. That one is a point-and-shoot type camera, and I don't see a mount on the camera that accepts external flash.

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August 29, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  My camera does have a mount for an extra flash. It is not a digital camera- right. It takes really good pictures...I just have a problem with the shadows in backdrop photos. A friend of mine has a camera similar to mine and has a flash on it, but it would't fit my camera. It was about a millimeter off. Just Barely wouln't fit. I didn't know- like if I were to buy a flash off of the internet- if it would fit my camera...

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August 30, 2005


  Amber, can you tell us the brand name and model of your camera so we can do some research for you?

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August 30, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  My camera is a 35-80mm AFZoom Minolta

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August 30, 2005


  Is that a Dynax or Maxxum model (it should be indicated on the face of the camera)? I think the 35-80 is the zoom lens' focal length. Anyway, someone who has used a Minolta camera with other brand's flash may assist you. I have only played with the Minolta cameras with Minolta flashs because the hot shoe that you mount the flash on is very unique to Minolta cameras. If you use off brand flash, you may need an adapter. Hope this helps.

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August 30, 2005


Samuel Smith
  amber,don't try to attach someone else's flash on your camera unless you know it will fit,any and all kinds of damage can happen,could fry your camera.
i think I have that camera on the front of my ;)
i bought a promaster ftd 6500m for my maxxums.for minolta no. 5939.not quite as good as the minolta 5600 but it was a lot cheaper.swivel head,motorized zoom,af illuminator,ttl auto,manual,remote.
if you have a local camera store you can trust,check them out.
i think I paid 150.00.
let us know?

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August 30, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  I didn't like try to force it onto my camera...I just attempted to slide it on the top and it didn't fit- so I said It doesn't fit and moved on...I don't have my camera with me at the moment to look at the exact model, but I can look lare on...thanks

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August 31, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  My camera is a Minlota Maxxum GT with a 35-80mm AF Zoom Lense

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September 01, 2005


  After doing a little "google" and I found out that the Maxxum GT is made exclusive for Target to sell. There is no review anywhere or information from the Minolta site. I think any flash made for the Maxxum line of camera should work on your camera too. Here's a list of some flashes that work on the Maxxum:

Hope this helps.

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September 01, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  Thanks for all your help!!!:)

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September 01, 2005


Samuel Smith
  hey amber,
i'm almost positive that's also the qtsi.and yeah it's a maxxum.lenses,flash will all work.
base model it has manual,but no custom functions.that's what I started with.
great little camera,i think you'll be happy for quite a while.
so if you go on minoltas website look up qtsi.
best of luck,sam

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September 01, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  Thanks for all of your help guys!!!

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September 06, 2005

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