BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


Hoping to become professional

I love photography and have for a long time. I worked in a studio for four years even. I'm just considering it professionaly and need a little help picking out better equipment. What would be the best zoom lense for my camera? It is a Canon RebelG EOS and I'm currently using a 35-80mm lense and would like to be able to zoom in a lot more from distances. Next, what will filters do for my photography outside of a studio photoshoot? Also, I recently shot a wedding and in the still shots where I turned my camera vertically and took vertical shots; I had a deep shadow at the bottom of the pic where there were not any in the same shot horizontilly. I don't understand and I studied them trying to figure out what it could have been??? One last question. I have a lab picked out but often the turnaround is longer than I like... can any photo developing place (like ones in Wal-Mart) produce professional looking photos if requested? Thanks in advance.

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August 29, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  1. It depends on how far you want to zoom. You could try an 80-200 zoom. You would then be covered from 35-200. For a specific lens, post a question on the one you are considering and the folks who shoot Canon can help you out.

2. Are you sure the shadow was not to the side rather than to the bottom? If you got shadows to the side (which you probably did, just more pronounced to the bottom) it is because the flash was to the side of the lens rather than above it as it was for the horizontal shots. If you flip your camera to the left, you will get shadows on the right and vice versa. Get a bracket that allws your flash to stay above the axis of the lens. Some people prefer the Stroboframe Flip bracket and others prefer the camera flip. The former allows you to flip the flash while the latter allows you to flip the camera. The result is the same. (You still create a shadow, just like you do when you shoot horizontally. It just falls behind the subject where you can't see it, which is what you want.)
3. Sure, you can get professional results from someplace like Wal-Mart. Will you? Probably not. Processing is like shooting. It is not the equipment that makes the difference, it is the operator. Most of the people who work at places like Wal-Mart are not as trained as those at professional labs so they won't be able to give you what you want, even if they want to and are willing (and able) to take the time to do so. One note on the equipment, mini-labs send your film over a roller where it can be scratched. Most professional labs use the dip and dunk technique which eliminates this problem. Sure, it will take a little longer using a professional lab bu patience is a virtue.

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August 29, 2005


  I am looking at a 2x Telephoto Lens.... 76-160mm.

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August 29, 2005

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