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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Wayne Turk

What To Buy 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Etc

Good Day. Lately I have been have an issue of what should I purchase in what order. I currently have a Nikon F5 Body, a Nikon AF 24mm f2.8, Nikon AF 60mm f2.8 Macro, and a Nikon AF 28-105mm f3.5 Zoom. I still feel I need the following items, a good Flash, currently I am looking at Nikon SB 80DX, a good Tripod. Don't know what to get here, been looking at Slik 700, and Gitzo G2227, or Gitzo G1227 or Gitzo G1325. The Slik is about $140.00 where as the Gitzo are all around $450.00 or more with out a head. Plus all the lens out there.Sure would like a Nikon AF 80-200 f2.8 Zoom, plus a few others.Also there are all those filters to look at. Being on a budget I can only purchase one thing at a time, then wait awhile. Any suggestions will be very helpful.
Thank You

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August 28, 2005


Joan Bellinger
  Wayne, one thing to consider is what type of photography do you do. If it's going to be wildlife/nature, you would need even more as far as zoom goes. If it's macro work, you're already set.

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August 28, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  I find it interesting that you claim to be on a budget, yet speak to only top-of-the-line equipment. Are you pulling the collective legs of the folks who try to provide answers to the many, legitimate questioners of BP?

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August 29, 2005


Wayne Turk
  Even though I do purchase top line equipment, I am still on a budget. I try to save up for a period of time and put an amount of money aside, so I can purchase good equipment that will last me for a long time. I do not have by any means the cash to purchase every thing I need over night. The item's that I have purchased so far took me over two years to get.Currently my main interest of photography are landscapes, old buildings, etc. but I also enjoy wildlife and macro. I currently will spend hours researching items before purchasing then, plus everything that I have bought so far has been used equipment, via e-bay.


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August 29, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  For great pictures, you really only need a polarizing filter [use the circular variety.] You can pay from $35.00 to ~$135.00 for these. I have the Tiffen wide angle version; it has no threads in front of the filter glass so that vignetting is avoided as much as possible. I got a great sale price at Adorama, paid about $55.00 [half price sale.]

If you're into B&W, you'll want a red [25A] filter to produce white clouds, dark sky. You might get a slightly lesser intensification with and orange [11, I think.] You should also get a green filter. These run about $25.00

An 80A will allow you to use daylight film indoors with incandescent lighting. [You'll need this for color portraiture using "hot lights.] A FLD is used with fluorescent/mercury vapor lights.

There are also those multiple image filters. These can be fun, but are over-used. Also, there's the cross star for great light effects at small apertures.

But, the real important one is the polarizer. And stick to Tiffen, Hoya and/or B&W. Filters available from camera manufacturers are too expensive and their selection is very limited.

You probably don't need a $450 tripod. My Slik 200 [got it as a present, but it's cost is around $100] has served me very well for more than 20 years. I did opt for the Slik pistol head; you might was the Manfrotto one hand adjust ball head.

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August 29, 2005

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