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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

Darkroom Chemicals

Hi everybody! My question is about darkroom chemicals. I'm starting a darkroom class next week at college and I'm getting some chemicals of my own to do my own developing at least. Maybe printing if I can get enough room darkened. I picked up some Kodak D-75 developer (does that sound right?) and some fixer. I believe that I can fill up stop bath using the chemicals that are in the school's many dark rooms because we are paying for them anyway and others have. My question is, are the same chemicals used for paper developing as are used for film developing? Are there any different chemicals used for printing if the same are used for both processes? What other chemicals might I need? Does stop bath just stop the developing? Do you need to use a stop bath or can you just rinse the film under water? What's the best way to maintain a constant temperature in a home darkroom since the water is supposed to be at a specific temperature, isn't it? Sorry about all the questions but if you could help me out, please do. Thanks a bunch!


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August 27, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  paper can use the same fixer but uses dektol to develope.
You can rinse with water instead of stop bath. Fill the tank a couple of times with water. Stop bath does stop developing, but can be done without.
Temp control is more critical for color developing. Room temp is usually enough for film developing, but you do want it to stay close to 70. Development time is based on temp, but if it's up around 75 or above, some films may end up too contrasty.
For temp control, you just pour some developer in a container, stick it in the fridge to bring it down, then develope.

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August 27, 2005


Tom Walker
  Even more important than temperature is maintaing ALL your chemicals at the same temperature including the wash water

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August 28, 2005

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