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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Robyn Gwilt

Crit my pix please!

I read Bobby's plea for a crit of his gallery and was also feeling the same way (re winning, how to shoot that POTD!), then I read the replies and thought they make real sense - Its such an objective 'craft' and I DO consider myself a photographer - I've sold one or two pix, but would really value some feedback from fellow members. I must say, everytime I log on - I learn - this sight is great, and the participation is so encouraging. Thanks a mil to those who take the time.

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August 27, 2005


Samuel Smith
  hey robyn,
i see no ones jumped in so why not.
most of your photos on my monitor are fuzzy,not like they're out of focus,more like you've played with them in some photo program.some of the lines don't match up,your b&w pics sunset at bushman seems very clear with good colors.
if your not oversharpening or something,i really don't know why they would look like that.

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August 28, 2005


Robyn Gwilt
  Tks Sam, appreciate yr comments. Most are unretouched (but some have been re-sized) cld also be they were not scanned at a high enough res. I think Bushmens was on the Fuji Digital (but was long ago, so can't remember) Have been enlarging some of the pix from negs & am also a bit disappointed with 'softness' Been trying my new Sigma 28-300 - maybe its the lens? Or the photographer? :) What did u think of some of the compositions etc. Will work on the sharpness though! Appreciate you taking the time.

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August 29, 2005


Daniela Meli

I was very impressed by your gallery. I really liked the look in your ashley, shoe, and chilli photos. I like the grain, the colors and the concept.
Like you, I've only sold a couple of pix but I study a masters in photography and I can assure you that most of my profesors would like those photos much more than flowers/sunsets/babies and the like.

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August 29, 2005


Robyn Gwilt
  Thanks so much Daniela, quite a compliment! Really appreciate any feedback - friends always think your stuff is 'stunning', so its great to have an objective crit from a fellow photographer. I loved your 'Fitas' pix amongst others as well.

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August 29, 2005


Samuel Smith
  hey robyn,
composition is good,i think the light is harsh?
are you just walking around with that big honking lense?camera shake is going to be a problem.but practice wil
l help!
i have no clue what the other post just said,grain? I guess it could be?

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August 29, 2005


Samuel Smith
  hey robyn,
composition is good,i think the light is harsh?
are you just walking around with that big honking lense?camera shake is going to be a problem.but practice wil
l help!
i have no clue what the other post just said,grain? I guess it could be?

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August 29, 2005


Robyn Gwilt
  Thanks all for comments and responses - I really appreciate them Samuel, the lens is not too big - I do use a tripod where possible (!) or the Canon 28-90 and the 200 lens - just enjoy the wide choice with the Sigma 28-300 - from going quite w/angle to really being able to zoom in without changing lenses all the time. I guess the more you practice the luckier you get :)

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August 30, 2005


Samuel Smith
  i was hoping someone who shoots digital would have an idea as to why your pics have that look.
oh I carry my 70-300 around,you never know,i've even gotten pretty good panning with it hand held.
best of luck,sam

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August 30, 2005

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