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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

shannon casey

super fast film

Hi. I have been seeing ads for this super fast film (Kodak. I think?) That is marketed for "candlelight" photography. I'm just curious if anyone has used it for real. I have hung on to my film slr's, and still love them, even though I have a 20d. I always prefer to use natural light, and in my case it would probably be natural indoor daylight. People shots. I had this crazy idea that it might allow me to shoot without a tripod. I haven't seen it in any stores around here, so I might need to order it. Worth it? Would love to here some thoughts, opinions, rants! Thanks.

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August 26, 2005


Tom Walker
  I haven't seen the ads, but several yrs ago when kodak came out with their 1000 asa film , I photographed my daughters !st grade play from the back of the audotorium with a 135mm lens and hand held and it came out great

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August 26, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I know there has been a Kodak Portra film that is fairly new compared to others. It's Kodak Portra 800. I've used it once and I was pleased. Although I didn't enlarge it, the 4x6's looked good. Fuji even has color 1600. I've used Kodak T-MAX 3200 (black and white) and that was a lot of fun to get prints made from it. If you like grainyness in black and white, this is a good film for you. Though, you'll have to make sure you go to a good photoshop and not just a drugstore. I would try to use a tripod even with these high speed films.

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September 01, 2005


Justin B. Renshaw
  I have also used T-MAX 3200 and found it to be a huge help in low light situations. I'm drawn to car wrecks like a moth to a porch light. Most of them happen at night so I needed a highly sensitive film. I still needed a tripod though. As Andrew mentioned, the grain is very high, but that can be a good thing.

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September 02, 2005

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