BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Christina Cannon

More Help Please

Thank you all for your words of wisdom. The wedding is booked, the customer is right (in her mind) and I am shooting the wedding. That is that. What I need help with now is determining if having the film scanned to a CD and edited in photoshop will compromise quality.

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August 26, 2005


Jennifer S
  I have had photos & film scanned to a CD and they definitely lose alot of quality. Maybe there are certain ways, or certain places that can help keep the quality, but I have no idea. I just know from experience that digitzing film photos can take alot of the quality away. I hope someone has a more hopeful answer for you!

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August 26, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Pro Photo will scan the film and save as a high res CD if you must have a digital file. Why not just shoot with film and process normally?

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August 26, 2005


Christina Cannon

Reason to not process normally is that I want to edit in photoshop. Scanning a print and then re-printing after editing is not cost concious eh?

I have seen poor quality....but if scanned by a higher res such as Pro Photo does (i called them, thanks for the tip) I am hoping to retain quality. Correct?

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August 26, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You will get much better quality with their scans. Good luck.

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August 26, 2005

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