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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Christina Cannon

Film photos manipulated in photoshop

I have a customer who insists on film for her wedding. She will be not be swayed on this. My experience leans more to the digital side, especially with weddings. There is so much I can do with photoshop and I would love the freedom to do this with her photos as well. If I have the negatives scanned to CD at a local camera store, will I get a high resolution CD? I had a roll of film scanned recently as a test at a local drugstore and the res was 72, the the photo appeared grainy and I honestly would not be comfortable showing these to anyone, let alone my bride. Is this common or should I seek out a more professional lab? I use MPIX for a lot of my digital processing but they do not offer this service. Any Tips?

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August 25, 2005


Kerry L. Walker

They provide the service you need.

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August 25, 2005


Justin G.
  I'm curious Kerry as to where all these brides come from telling us how to do our job. "I only want digital so I can steal your stuff" or "I only want film". How about they let us do our job the way we want to do it. They'll be much happier if we're comfortable with what we're doing. And plus what's it matter to them what we shoot? We don't tell them (that after seeing hundreds of weddings ourselves) that their little "cute" idea to make thier wedding "unique" isn't going to work, so why on earth would they tell us how to shoot a picture? I'm just curious, and would it be wrong for me to say "I'll shoot it the way I want, it's the end result that matters."? Just curious. Thanks.


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August 26, 2005


Jon Close
  (a) the customer is always right.
(b) I suspect the customer is influenced by her own experience with pixelated, moired, and poor white balanced prints from a lower res digital point & shoot. If you show her some large prints on archival paper from a high-res DLSR, she might be swayed. Otherwise,
(c) the customer is always right.

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August 26, 2005


Justin G.
  lol, true but I don't want the customer to be right! haha.

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August 26, 2005


Jennifer S
  I'm shocked people have demanded these things! I would show a nice print with the digital camera as well to show the quality. The prints done with my XT look crisp and beautiful. I know of someone who swears digital looks terrible but the only prints she has seen done in prints was done with a 2mp camera! The photographer who did my wedding was a very good photographer with a VERY good 35mm camera, and all my pics were grainy-looking. My 4mp p&s camera prints look like better quality. Im not trying to start a film/digital debate, but the point is, your opinion comes from an impression you got. Maybe she got a bad impression the same way I did about film even though the reason could be he didnt use the right kind of film! Anyways, thats what I would try. If not, I hope you find a good solution to digitizing the photos. I personally would have to decline and say "I only use digital" if a customer wanted film. I dont have any film cameras anymore!

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August 26, 2005


Justin G.
  Here's what I think we could do if we encounter this again. Make a little "display" if you will. Have 4 photos on it, each of pretty much the same thing. Have one picture with a nice digital camera, showing its benefits, and show the same thing with a small MP digi. Then you could show the same pic with some average cheap grainy film, and then have another with fine grained, well toned professional film. That way they can see the ups and downs of both digis and film, and explain to them that we know what we're doing to make some great photos of their treasured day. I'm assuming this would put them at ease a little more, or help to explain a bad impression they may have gotten. I think I will actually do somehting like this if it ever occurs. When I start shooting weddings, I'll be inbetween using BOTH film and digi. Hope this helps.


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August 26, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  LOL Justin. Yes, the reason most brides want a CD of the photos is so they can get them printed at Wal-Mart at a cheaper price than you would charge. Of course, they won't get the quality a pro lab would charge but for them price is all that matters.

Christina, I agree with Jennifer. Just decline the job. Tell her you work exclusively with digital and aren't comfortable working with film. Show her a sample of your work and explain to her that she can easily find a photographer who would shoot her wedding with film but she won't get YOU. After all, you, the photographer, are much more important than the capture medium. The choice between film and digital is just that - a choice. Some photographers, like you, prefer digital. Some, like me, prefer film (MF only for weddings). She should choose the photographer based on the quality of their work and their style, not the capture medium they use.

Justin, my answer to people who want a high resolution file of the images (or the film itself) is always NO! If they take the file (or film) to Wal-Mart (OK, Wal-Mart doesn't do MF in house, at least not here) and get bad results, my reputation suffers. I also point out that local labs don't offer a choice for their enlargements of either standard prints, prints mounted on artboard with a canvas or linen texture and matte protective spray or even prints embedded in canvas and mounted on a stretcher frame. My lab does.

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August 26, 2005


Christina Cannon
  Thank you all for your words of wisdom. The wedding is booked, the customer is right (in her mind) and I am shooting the wedding. That is that. What I need help with now is determining if having the film scanned to a CD and edited in photoshop will compromise quality.

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August 26, 2005

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