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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Brad silcott

I need help again

As some of you know I have a AE-1P. I have a toyo optics 2x converter. I noticed today when I was finished using it that when I put the Back cap on I twisted the lens to lock the back dust cover on. and this Sqweeeeeeek sound. came from the little pin that sticks out. I took the back cap off and moved it a few times and in makes that squeak when that little pin moves foward. What kind of lube can I put on it to make it stop. ...Does that mean the converter is broken? It Doesn't make the sound when attaching it to the camera! Please help. DO you think the 95% humidity could have something to do with it?

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August 23, 2005


Brad silcott
  I belive its the apeture pin that is making the noise in the convereter. I can move it freely when a lens is not on there but when I mount either one of my lens the sound is there when I get the two red dots lined up. But interest part is It does not do this when the camera is attached just when a dust cap or when I move it with nothing up there. Can someone please help I have a Airshow this weekend and I must be there with the converter.
Thanks Brad S

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August 24, 2005

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