BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Jake Trexel

Looking for a place to order FM3a and other equip.

I am trying to find a place to purchase a Nikon FM3a. The local stores where I live want $700 just for the camera body. Several magazines that I have show it for a lot less, but I dont know a good place that I can trust to make an order.

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August 22, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  B&H. You can trust them.

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August 22, 2005


Thomas, also very good, and you can trust them!

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August 22, 2005


George Anderson
  Jake - try Ebay, from a seller with a 100% rating. As I recall I paid around $350 or so for mine, mint. There are many camera shops advertising in the magazines who are ripoff or bait-and-switch artists (you order, then get deluged with high-pressure tactics to buy lots of accessories at unfriendly prices). If you hold out, you may get your order delayed or even cancelled weeks later.

B&H or KEH are good, but they aren't cheap. On ebay there are plenty of FM3a owners who have shot a few rolls, then decided to buy the latest digital POS and are selling their film gear.

Ebay purchase makes sense, because the FM3a is not like most new cameras today, in that is extremely well-built of good materials. Hard to find a bad one yet, since they've only been out 4-5 years.

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August 22, 2005

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