BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How best to edit pictures

Ok, I am kinda new to the photography game and would like to know how best to edit the photo's I have, since I am using a Elan 7n getting the pictures into the computers seems to be a little trickier, would having a lab make up a cd be the easiest way or is there a way I can do this from say the negatives ?

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August 21, 2005


Brendan Knell
  Yes, you can buy a negative scanner(they are quite pricy though), and you should get really great resolution. This may or may not give you better resolution than a lab would on CDs(I don't use film, so I wouldn't know) I've heard of people getting about 100MB files, but I don't know if that was with a neg scanner. So If the labs gave you that good of quality, they would only be able to fit about 6-7 photos on a CD.

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August 21, 2005


Linda Buchanan
  Ask your lab to scan your negatives to a high resolution CD. I have had good luck with that. The lab I use has 3 different CD's with increasing levels of quality. If you want to edit the photos to print, you need a high res. The other CDs are good really only for emails. Good luck.

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August 22, 2005

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