BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Maria Melnyk

Camera Vandalism

Has anyone out there ever been the victim of camera vandalism while shooting an event? I got home from photographing a wedding several hours ago (cotillion actually; same thing for these purposes). Before going to sleep I wanted to try something, so I opened my camera back to put some film in and -- the shutter was completely damaged! Someone had poked their fingers or whatever right through that delicate shutter. It happened at that cotillion. I used that particular camera for portraits, and when I finished them for the evening and the film rewound, I took it out, but left the camera attached to the monolight (via sync cord).

I never had anything like this happen before. I'm so glad I didn't leave a partially-exposed roll of film in there!
And by some luck (luck?), this was my oldest and least-favorite camera. OK, so I have to buy a new camera now, but I don't know if I should do anything else. Should I tell the photographer that sent me out on the job? (This wasn't one of my own jobs.) If I do, and he tells the client, they'll feel bad and won't be able to do anything about it anyway. I don't know whether to report it to my insurance company. I have a $250 deductible, and the camera is a Canon Elan II.

Any ideas, or should I just go to sleep and replace the thing tomorrow; it's 3:30 a.m. over here!

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August 21, 2005

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