BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How do I develop film shot at the wrong speed

I shot a roll of ASA 200 film at 800. I can't find a place to develop it. Any suggestions?

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August 16, 2005


Jon Close
  Print film (C-41 process) is not generally amenable to push processing, and most labs won't even try. Just have it developed normally. It is underexposed by 2 stops. The negatives should be printable, but they'll be "thin" (lacking detail) and grainy.

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August 16, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
I have pushed lots of neg film and since neg is much more forgiving than slides, I would have it pushed 1 stop at 400 and that will get you closer and a better neg density.

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August 18, 2005

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