BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

W L Everett Jr

Multi coated optics

If you have a lens, ie. a zoom lens, with multi coated optics, is it necessary that any attached filters also be multi coated? Thanks.

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August 16, 2005


Jon Close
  A good idea, but not necessary. Multicoated filters transmit marginally more light and are less prone to flare, but not as scratch resistant or easy to clean as non-coated filters.

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August 16, 2005


Will Turner
  I would at least go with a single-coated filter, as these are relatively inexpensive and provide a good jump in light transmission over noncoated filters. The cheapest noncoated filters may or may not be made of good quality optical glass, so that's another thing to keep in mind. A good lens hood is worth more in flare reduction than multicoating the filter.

As far as scratch resistance and cleaning m/c filters, Hoya S-HMC seems to me to have more issues with scratches and cleaning smears than B+W MRC, but of course you'll pay for this...

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August 17, 2005

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