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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Changing ISO (fuji stx-2)

I just was given a Fuji stx-2 from my cousin. I took a year of photo at my school, and I use ISO 400 film, but the stx-2 is set to "200". I don't know how to change it, as turning the dial changes the Fstops...please help!


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August 15, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
Is the ISO shown in a little window on the shutter speed dial? If it is, try pulling up on the dial and turning to see if the ISO number changes.

I did a search and found a camera like yours on eBay. In the picture, the shutter speed dial looks a lot like the Pentax K1000, so maybe it works the same way.

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August 15, 2005


Jon Close
  An online user manual for the Fujica STX-2 (can be downloaded as .pdf) is at

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August 16, 2005


Jon Close
Re - shooting ISO 400 film at 200:

Have it developed normally. It is "overexposed" by 1 stop, but print film is very forgiving of such exposure errors and should yield good prints (the lab may have to adjust somewhat to keep from pringing them too light).

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August 16, 2005

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