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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Amber D. Jones

Problems with lighting

I'm trying to figure out what I can do to make my pictures turn out really good.I know some of you guys are probably getting so tired of hearing me talk about this, but I still haven't found out all I'm trying to about this. I am taking my pictures outside- in natural lighting using a 35-80mm Minolta AFZOOM. Okay...I know all about direct sunlight and when to take the pictures and all that...but I'm using my brother as a subject, so it's okay if my photos don't turn out exactly right the first time...but anyways, I took his senior tux pictures on Friday afternoon. Outside-it was a great, overcast day...I'm getting the film developed today so I won't know quite yet how they turned out, but do I need to worry about shadows? I set him about 5 feet in front of the bkdrp...and like I said it was overcast...

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August 15, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Amber, no one here is going to get tired of you asking questions about how to make your photos better. That's what this site is all about. If photography was easy, none of us would need to ask any questions. ;-)

If you just used the natural lighting of an overcast day, then you probably won't have any shadows to worry about. The only shadows on your backdrop would be if you had also used fill flash. Moving him away from the backdrop like you did is the right thing to do to minimize that.

All you can do now is wait and see. If you think you're still having problems when you get the prints back, scan and upload an example and we'll see if we can figure it out.


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August 15, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  Thanks...really, the only thing I'm worried about is having a shadow outline my subject. I have taken quite a few portraits that have had a shadow outline one side of them because of my flash...but I was hoping that since I used natural lighting that I wouldn't have a problem with harsh, outlining shadows.

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August 15, 2005


Amber D. Jones
  any more help would really be appreciated

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August 15, 2005

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