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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


why do some flashes have two pins on the bottom

I have an old minolta x-700 film camera and love it. However, recently I got an Rokinon zoom flash and noticed that it has just two pins on the bottom of it and my other one ,,vivitar 3700 has three.Both are dedicated auto thyristor. I was just wondering. I looked all over the net to find something on the Robinon flash and can't find any thing.
Thanks for the help.

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August 12, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  If it only had two pins, it isn't dedicated.

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August 12, 2005


  Sorta of what I thought,, wonder why it saids " dedicated" on it any way.
Thanks again,Kerry,,

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August 12, 2005


Jon Close
  The current definition of "dedicated" flash usually means TTL metering and full auto program flash exposure (camera sets shutter speed, aperture and controls flash output).

Prior to TTL flash metering being common, a flash was called "dedicated" if it simply alerted the camera to its presence, in which case many cameras automatically set the shutter speed to the flash sync (flash with a 2nd or 3rd pin in addition to the large center pin). The user still has to set the aperture manually to match the flash's setting. Most "auto-thyristor" flashes are this type.

Re - the Vivitar 3700 specifically, it may set the X-700's shutter speed automatically, but it is not a TTL flash. The same module (DM/C) is used for "dedication" (setting the shutter speed to x-sync) for both Minolta and Canon cameras.

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August 13, 2005

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