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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

joe Yuen

Filter's coating damaged

I was trying to clean my Hoya HMC 81B filter last night with its stubborn smudges. Since it did not go away with just the lens paper (Kodak's), I added a drop of the lens cleaner (Kodak's) on a new paper and tried again, and I almost wanted to cry when I saw how it turned out. All the circular wiping motion turned to a film like sting, and I could not get rid of it at all. I then tried the chamois cloth, then the lens paper, again and again, luckily, I got rid of that terrible sting after about 15 minutes of wiping. Now my concern is whether I had totally damaged the coating on the filter? Is the filter now still usable with its original characteristics? I have used the Kodak's liquid and paper on other lenses, which were fine.

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August 12, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  With the filter close to your eye, hold it up to a light source and look through it.
If you can see clearly, it is likely that your film will "see" clearly also.

I've used lens cleaners on filters for years and never noticed any adverse effects on the images taken with them.

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August 12, 2005


John Rhodes
  Joe, I too use Hoya's 81B filter. I generall clean the filter, as well as all my lenses, with a bulb blower followed by a 3M microfiber cloth. I have, on ocassion, used Ziess lens cloths (pre-moistened) when lenses are especially dirty. I recommend using blower first regardless of the method of cleaning. Hope your lens is OK.

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August 12, 2005


Diane Dupuis
  Why not just try one of the photo filters in Photoshop Elements? There are 18 to choose from - including warming filter 81.

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August 12, 2005

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