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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Justin G.

First Weddig...Don't worry new question!

Hey guys got a wedding coming up on Tuesday, alright alright it's not a real wedding, its a moc wedding. At my technical college, i'm in a photography guild and well we've gotten word that the Wedding Consultation/Planning program is having a moc wedding in the rose garden there. We got invited along to practice so I've got this once in a lifetime opportunity to practice a wedding CAREFREE with NO NERVES ATTACKING ME!!! I'm pretty darn excited and grateful.

Anyways, my question. It's coming up this Tuesday and I dont' have a flash on my camera. I'm taking 2 rolls of Portra 400NC (I would use 160NC but I am going to plan for crappy light even though it should be sunny outside where it is. Anyways if I get in a tight tight emergency situation where I need a tad fill-in flash and I can't rent around here, would my pop up work ok considering this isn't professional and its only practice for me. And if I use this should I turn the flash exposure compensation down so it isn't so harsh on their face? Also would this work with a built-in: I put my camera on manual f/5.6 - 8.0 or so with a speed of 1/60 or 1/90 and the flash will automatically expose the scene correctly? will a built in flash do that as an external would? thanks so much guys. and oh yeah, once again, this isn't professional or a life-death situation or I would find a darn 580EX speedlite so that's why i'm asking the built-in flash question.

Also, would Portra 400VC blow their face colors out of wack or do alright with the beautiful roses?

Canon Elan 7E
Kodak Portra 400NC(or VC)
Ilford FP4 (ISO 125)

Thanks guys (and the wonderful ladies too!)


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August 12, 2005


Jon Close
  Re - fill flash: YES, use the pop-up, but be mindful of it's limited range. At ISO 400 and lens at f/5.6 it's only good to about 14 ft.

The Elan 7E's flash exposure programming automatically adjusts the flash output from main light ("0") to fill flash (-.5 to -1.5 stops) based on ambient light levels, so NO, you don't need to apply negative flash expsoure compensation like you would with other systems. Any FEC you apply will be on top of what the camera is already calculating.

Re - harsh flash light on subject's faces: If you are closer than ~5 ft to your subject, then you are closer than the usable range for auto flash and would want to adjust for it with either a smaller aperture or - FEC.

Re - Manually setting 1/60-1/90 and f/5.6-8 and firing away with the flash:
In the dim indoors this will give you a well exposed subject lit by the flash (assuming you are within the usable range of the flash), but not necessarily the "whole scene" as the relatively fast shutter and small aperture will not give much exposure to the ambient-light background.

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August 12, 2005


  The built-in flash should be OK if the subject is no more than 10-15 feet away with the 28-90mm lens. With the 75-300mm lens, you may get vignetting at the bottom of the image. My choice of film will be the VC instead of NC. You can't tell the different of the skin tone of the two but the VC film added a little more punch on other colors. Hope this helps and have fun.

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August 12, 2005


Justin G.
  Thanks Jon so much exactly the answers I was looking for. Does anyone else know about the Portras?

I'm thinking the NC will dull the roses but give great skin reproduction.

I'm thinking the VC will give great roses for the background, but will blow out the colors in their faces?

What do you think?

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August 12, 2005


Justin G.
  Andy, Jon thanks so much. Now I got what I need to know before hand and our instructors will be there to guide us the rest of the way hopefully! Lol. Thanks guys. Do appreciate it.


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August 12, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I am going to have to disagree with Andy here (that's rare). I think the NC would give you a more natural skin tone than the VC and won't really dull the flowers. No, it won't give you the punch in the flowers that the VC does. However, since this is just an experiment and not a paid gig, why don't you take one roll of each and decide for yourself which you like the best.

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August 12, 2005


Justin G.
  Good call Kerry. I was thinking that myself, but was curious if anybody had some great experiences with it I would have just taken two of the same and since Kerry I usually go with your advice (no offense andy) i'll just take one of each! thanks.

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August 12, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You never know. You may wind up liking the look VC gives you better than NC. Let us know how it turns out and which one you liked better. Beware of where you get them developed. Some local labs don't handle Portra films well since they don't see them too often while others do very well. It really all depends on the opeerator of the equipment.

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August 12, 2005


Justin G.
  We have a decent pro lab here. I've only developed 4x6's with them once, quality was great, but my shooting wasn't, so it was hard to tell. But then also I was doing a project for my wife when she wanted 3 - 11x14 pics of flowers for the living room so I ran about 3 rolls of film to get the perfect three photos and with these the lab made flawlessly beautiful 11x14's so I think they are pretty good. We have only 1 lab in town so it'll probably be them. Thanks for the advice.

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August 12, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  What a great opportunity, Justin! Good luck & have fun with it.


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August 12, 2005


  Kerry, Justin, don't worry. I am not offended. I just have used both UC and VC for weddings and I like the VC more. I used the same lab every time. So maybe the lab is doing a good job that I cannot find difference on the skin tone for both films. But it is really a good idea to try both film on the same shooting. Let us know which one you like more.

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August 12, 2005


Brenda M. Wolfensberger
  Hey Justin, how did the pictures turn out?

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August 19, 2005


Justin G.
  Ok well I get there and guess what??? It wasn't a moc wedding like my instructor announced it. Not his fault, but it was just practice for the wedding planners to decorate and things. I got like 7 shots of the decorations just to play with that and the rest were when the women starting posing because they wanted to make a photo album of their class, They were getting ready to gradiate! I haven't picked them up yet because a lot of things went through on the checking account so now I'm being safe and waiting next paycheck because probably like the most of you guys, it is absolutely not possible for me to walk into the camera shop and ONLY buy my developing. I always walk out with more film or something so I'm saving myself the chance. I'll have them up as soon as possible if they turned out alright! Thanks for inquiring though, means a lot!


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August 20, 2005

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