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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Kathy L. Pollick

Diffuser & Filter

I just purchased a Promaster Diffuser and a circular polarizer for my camera. Does anyone know if the promaster is an ok brand? The diffuser didn't have any strength options, it was just a standard lens, so I hope my pix aren't too out of focus. I want the very natural dreamy look on some of my portrait shots.

Also do you ever use the polarizer indoors? Or is it strictly an outdoorsy filter?

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August 11, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Kathy, we'eve got to quit meeting like this! (too many threads we're on together). LOL

I have a Promaster flash for one of my cameras and I am happy with it. Don't know about their other products. There won't be any strength options, other than to buy different filters.
Polarizers are used to darken the sky and to remove reflections from glass, water, etc. so if you have a need for this indoors (like at an indoor pool) by all means, use it.

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August 11, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Yes, you can use a polarizer indoors, but it's use would be somewhat limited. If there are interior glass windows/doors, shiny table tops, etc in the image, it can take off the reflections here just as it would outside.
"Promaster" is certainly not a top drawer filter manufacturer, but they should be at least acceptable. If not, you haven't lost a lot of money. It can somewhat depend on how good your lenses are to begin with. If you have top drawer lenses, I would definitely not deter its resolving power by placing a cheap filter in front of it. This would be anti-productive. If your lenses are consumer level, it probably won't matter nearly as much.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 11, 2005


Kathy L. Pollick
  Well, I don't know a good lens from a bad one, but my 50mm is a minolta - purchased with the camera and is a 1:17 (22). The promaster was the only brand the store carried (The Film Center). I probably could have ordered one on off the internet, but I still don't know a good brand from a not so good one. What brand would you suggest as a top quality? I bought 2 filters, a diffusion and a circular polarizer. One was $34 & the other was $15. Thanks for the help.

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August 11, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Hoya and B+W are excellent filters. Tiffen and Cokin aren't bad either. Try what you have before you buy anything else and see if you like the results. If you do, great.

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August 11, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Kathy, I think what you have will work just fine with your Minolta 50mm/1.7 lens. The brands that Kerry suggested should all be improvements, but not enough to worry about.
B+W is a top drawer German filter - hard to find any better, but the cost of a B+W polarizing filter could be more than your 50mm lens is worth. Personally, I wouldn't bother. Keep the Promasters (unless of course you DO see image degradation), and enjoy what they can do for you.
Just out of curiosity, is your Minolta a Maxxum AF?
Michael H. Cothran

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August 11, 2005


Karma Wilson
  I don't know if filters are the same, but in lenses Promaster is made by Tamron. Tamron makes some good lenses, some not so good. It depends. They are considered one of the more reliable third party manufacturers though.


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August 11, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  I would suspect that if Tamron is making Promaster, that they are probably better quality than I am giving them credit for. Thanks for the heads up, Karma.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 11, 2005


Kathy L. Pollick
  Michael, Yes my minolta is the maxxum 5000 AF. I really like it, but then I was never into photography like all of you were. Its just been an overall reliable camera for the last 18 years. (wow that sounds old when you see in in print!!) I hope to get a digital someday soon. Not sure if I want to stay with the minolta or go with a nikon or canon. I know its all in preference, but I wonder if one is more reliable & better crafted than another?

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August 12, 2005

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